Just so Happy
A Journey to Understanding Autism
The book that shares the power of the SCIO with the world.
Gail's newest book on autism is based directly on what she has learned over the years from those on the autism spectrum. Gail presents a holistic view of autism and describes in detail
what is autism
what causes autism
how to clear the blockages of autism from the body in the midst of retaining what's good
how to work most effectively with those on the spectrum.
Why is this book so important???
So, now that we have put all this information together, what can we do with it? Be aware that this is going to involve a massive paradigm shift at all levels: a paradigm shift that we are forced to make whether we want to or not. When I was first introduced to this field the numbers of the population with a diagnosis of autism were 4 in 10,000, or, if you want to break that down further, 1 in 2500. Yes, there were probably a lot of people who fit the criteria who were not labeled at the time, but one rarely came across anyone on the spectrum. The majority of these people currently live in 24 hour care situations either with family or through specialized organizations.
Today we face the reality of a 1 in 50 diagnosis in the population of school aged children in the United States an increase that is being matched throughout the world. We can argue about the validity of this number all we want, but I don’t think that anyone can ignore the fact that we have many, many more children diagnosed on the spectrum than we did in the past. The reality of their future is that we will not have enough workers to provide the 24 hour care which is common today for this increasing number of individuals. This means that we have to stop creating adults that need 24 hour care and focus our efforts on freeing them to become active, involved members of the community. How can we achieve this?
Just so Happy provides the answers.
Do you have clients who have self awareness coming up as a suggestion for treatment on the SCIO and you are not quite sure what to do about it? This book is an excellent starting point for both you and your clients.

In Search of Self – A Journey to Acceptance and Understanding by Gail Wylie
A 229 page eBook.
“In Search of Self” uses the model of self as developed by Dr. William James in the early 1900’s to make sense of what happened to us on September 11th, and to describe a process in which each and every individual in this world can not only come to a clear and concise understanding and acceptance of who they are as a person, but also reach their full potential here on earth.
“In Search of Self” provides those answers in a way that nothing else does. It makes sense of who we are as a person, of how we developed to be this unique self, and how we can successfully make the changes we want without fear of failure, shame or guilt. It allows us to be okay as we are; the greatest gift that each of us can have. “In Search of Self” contains personal information of the author as an example of how a self fits within the model. This does not mean it is an autobiography or that it is a complete account of the author’s life, by any means. The personal information that is shared is meant only to be an example of how everything fits in the model. This appears to work well. Three individuals have read the manuscript in an attempt to determine whether it is too personal or not. Each of them claims that they became so involved in their own journey of self discovery that the author was forgotten. This is the ultimate goal of the book: to provide material which will be the impetus for the reader to take their own journey of self discovery. It has happened for each of these readers. They all claim that this manuscript has changed them in ways that nothing else ever has in their lives. They know now that it is okay to be the person they are and they are celebrating their ‘self’ in a way that they never have before.”
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