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The Autism Protocol

Be aware that the autism clearing  protocol focuses on two of the three criteria for a diagnosis on autism: the impairment in communication and the impairment in social interaction. We believe that the use of restricted and repetitive behaviours that are demonstrated by those on the spectrum are NOT a sign of autism, but instead the result of high levels of anxiety.

Throughout out years of working with clients on the autism spectrum we have learned that there is far more going on at a co-morbid level with many of them and the changes one expects may not come as readily as with others. Thus we have also developed a co-morbid program we are willing to teach anyone interested. 

Note: the age noted for each client is what they were when the autism clearing protocol was finished.

Client # 1: age 8, cleared January, 2008, in harness


The client in the chair has a diagnosis of autism and I am trying out the autism protocol I have developed for the first time.  His impairment in communication limits him to never initiating speech on his own, never using more than one word at a time, never speaking in full sentences, never asking questions and never calling anyone by name.


The room is calm and quiet. His mother has gone to the bathroom and we are alone. He watches a movie about the ocean, his current obsession, as I work on the computer with my back to the show he is engaged in. Suddenly I hear a voice. “Gail, Gail, turn around. Gail, you got to see this. Turn around.” I turn and look at him and he points at the screen behind me. “Look”. I swivel all the way around on my chair in time to see the walruses farting on the screen in front of me. He is giggling and I laugh with him. We are sharing typical 8 year old humor and as we laugh together I am erupting with joy within for I know that I have just placed the last piece in the puzzle to coming to a clear understanding of autism. The wall that was blocking his ability to communicate clearly with us has crumbled through the work I was doing. He is free to say what he wants when he wants.


He goes to school after the session and has conversations with his fellow students. He tells his teachers the answers to the questions they ask instead of having to point to the pictures they have laid out for him. A couple of weeks later I witness family members playing with him in my office with tears of joy running down their faces as they hear his responses to their questions for the first time in their lives and are able to answer the questions he is asking them.


I haven't had much contact with this child since 2008, but reports from family members indicate that he is continuing to do well, has never lost his ability to communicate clearly and has been able to attend school in regular classrooms. It's kind of hard to think of him as a fifteen year old teen already!



Client #2: cleared February, 2008 at 2 years 9 months of age through long distance


Before Clearing: had a vocabulary of about 10 words but did not initiate speech on his own. Lined up toys. Obsessed with trains and balls. Head banging on any surface when frustrated. Resisted physical touch from anyone but his parents. Aggressive behaviour towards to anyone who came into his space. Limited diet. Not toilet trained. Fascinated with ceiling fans from the time he was born and would stare at them for hours. He did not have an official autism diagnosis at the time of clearing. His pediatrician had suggested that he go to the Autism Clinic for testing. His parents decided to try the SCIO protocol first.


After clearing: Began speaking in full sentences the weekend after he was cleared and was able to tell his parents what had happened to him while they were not with him. Began playing with toys in a normal way, driving cars on the roads of a play carpet, flying planes and helicopters through the air and so on. Began interacting with the adults he was with, calling people by name, and using both language and gestures such as pointing: “ Look at the rainbow” but continued to withdraw from other children for awhile.


By 2010 he was attending a regular kindergarten class with his peers without any special help. No longer any signs of head banging or aggression to others. Plays with his toys in a normal way and initiates play with other children. Completely toilet trained, though he continues to limit his own diet. Knows the alpahbet, counts over 20, and recognizes a few words. Played on a regular child’s soccer team this summer. Has received no other autism treatment to date, other than the time he has spent on the SCIO.


This child went through a high level of trauma during birth. The nurse who administered an epidural pain killer to his mother, missed the spot she was aiming for and shot it directly into the spinal fluid, effectively shutting down the mother's whole body. She was rushed into surgery where she was hooked to machines to get her heart beating, lungs breathing, etc. and then a caeserian was done. She was in a coma for the first 3 days of his life. When told about this experience at age 8, he stated: "I remember that. The portal was open and then everything went black and I couldn't get out." He continues to live with a high level of fear, both for his own body and for his mother, who he is terrified of losing. This fear limits him far more than the autism did. We continue to work on it on the SCIO.


Client #3: age 30, cleared summer 2008, long distance

Began working with this client through Autism Consulting Service in 1996 when he graduated from high school. We had seen a lot of progress over time, especially in the area of communication where he had gone from one word utterances and echolalia to being able to speak in full sentences and share most things with us. However, he spoke in a very high pitched anxious voice, and spent most of his time in an agitated state using some form of repetitive behaviour to calm himself.

At the time of clearing, the client was living in a group home situation with 24 hour care and kept busy with a full time aide during the days tending to household chores and taking part in volunteer and  recreational activities in the nearby community.

The first major difference we noticed with the client after the clearing was his ability to be around babies. He had always had a great fear of babies and demanded that they either be taken away or would bolt away himself. After the clearing he was not only able to stay in the presence of a baby but able to hold them. The anxiety was also gone from his voice when he talked and we were able to hear his deep base voice all of the time.

The client gradually improved over the years in his ability to deal with any situation without agitation. He started making his own decisions about his life, including the foods he eats, choosing those that are healthy and make him feel good. He moved into his own home in a new community two years after the clearing and is currently working at 4 different part time jobs as an employee, not a volunteer. He is now able also share his feelings clearly with us as well as explain why he is having those feelings. For example on a telephone call he told his grandmother he was feeling sad and then went on to explain that this was because he missed his parents, who were on a trip to Europe at the time.


This client recently came back for scio session to deal with current stress levels. His beloved grandmother had died, the only person in his life who completely and totally accepted him unconditionally and never tried to change him in any way. Also, a new employee at one of his places of employment was found to be bullying him while they worked together. This employee lost his job for these actions. The SCIO revealed the presence of step bacteria in his body, which may lead to a condition called PANDAS, which creates obsessive compulsive type behaviours. After three sessions on the SCIO we got this report from his parents:  we have noticed a huge difference in his behaviour since he has had SCIO. He no longer stops in the middle of his sentences and thoughts. Getting stuck ,as he calls it; he is no longer showing Tourette-like behaviours; no longer repêating over and over words and thoughts.  He has been very calm and coherent when we talk to him on the phone – as compared to being very hyper and excitable. He even answered the phone yesterday, and said goodbye at the end and hung up which very rarely happens. So we are relieved and happy that he is much better. 


Client #4: age 15, cleared spring 2008, long distance


This client is another who came into my life through Autism Consulting Service. His parents signed up for SCIO sessions as soon as I heard I had bought the device in 2005. He had regular weekly sessions that summer. We saw a definite decrease in his anxiety level but little change in his ability to communicate or interact socially.


Cleared in the spring of 2008 with the autism protocol. At that point he was refusing to go to school, either by refusing to get ready, or refusing to get on the bus. This was a major problem as his mother had been in a car accident and was unable to physically deal with his behaviours. He communicated with a few words, used pecs at times and also repetition of the words on videos and songs on DVD’s.

The immediate change we noticed after clearing was in his attitude towards school He would get up in the morning, knock on his mother’s bedroom door and say “school one more day” and then get ready and go without any protest. He also brought his toys out into the living room to share with other children when they visited and played with them for the first time in his life.


The family moved to a new home across the country so I don’t see him in person any more, but his mother reports that he loves school, where he has become popular due to his sense of humour and even enjoys doing his homework. He also swims competitively. During the summers as a teen, he attended camp and worked as a volunteer without the assistance of one on one aid. He has recently moved out of his family home into a community setting.


Client #5: 10 years old, cleared Summer 2008

This client was one of my first clients with autism on the SCIO in 2005. We didn’t see much change in her at that point, other than a decrease in stress and anxiety. However, her mother was delighted with that, and wrote us a letter after Christmas 2005, telling us that this was the first Christmas she had had gone through without a meltdown of any sort.

By 2008, the client had begun to say a few words, but did not use them as communication. Instead they were uttered as a repetitious behaviour. She attended school in her own private schoolroom where they taught using the Option method.

We cleared her during August of 2008. The school was amazed at her progress that fall, claiming that she had  improved 3 grade levels in reading and math in less than a month. The autism specialist for the school district claimed that she had never seen such progress for a child with autism in all the years she had worked in the field. She began to talk in full sentences and converse with the people around her rather than using speech as repetition. She also began to ask questions: for example: walking into the kitchen and asking her brother what he was having for breakfast.  

A problem surfaced when she began to refuse going to school. She said she did not want to be in a classroom by herself any longer, but wanted to be with the other students. She was moved into her peer age classroom and has done well there ever since.

The last time I was with this client, we were at a community event together. She was a calm and poised teenager who conversed easily and naturally with the people we were with. 

Recent Update: he mother just connected with me to share the news that this young woman has just graduated from University - something her doctors, parents and educators had not ever dreamed possible when I first met her. 



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