5 day workshops
We have found that five day workshops are the most preferred and effective way to learn the autism protocol as we have the energy and knowledge from all of the participants available throughout the week. Together we all learn something new from each other. Five day workshops give you the time to practise what you are learning in the midst of being able to ask questions and clarify everything that you need to know. They also allow us to demonstrate clearly how powerful the protocol is for each individual client as you watch the other participants working on completely different areas than you, in spite of the fact you are following the same protocol.
Five day workshops go for 6 hours a day for five days from 9 AM through 4 PM each day with an hour off for lunch. We typically book them over weekends so that participants need not lose too many working days, but are willing to adapt to what works best for our students. There are two facillitators present, one to present the material and the other to work in the background to make sure that our students are all keeping up as we move through the different screens on the SCIO/Eductor/Indigo.
A five day workshop can happen anywhere in the world. If anyone is interested in organizing a workshop in your area, we are willing to work with you. The person who is helping us organize the workshop with us will get the workshop for free. We need a minnimum of 10 confirmed participants before we officially book the venue and our plane tickets - a lesson we have learned over time. We cannot afford to go any further into debt doing this.The organizer will also get a percentage of the proceeds of the workshop for those that have more than 20 participants.
People often question why we do not shorten the workshops but we have found that we need the full five days to get all of the information presented. No one who has gone through the protocol has ever stated that we could have done it in less time. In fact most of them would prefer to have it a couple of days longer because of the amount of information you receive.
The workshop includes the autism protocol file for your computer which contains all the instructions, forms you can print out in the future and powerpoints to share with your future clients. You will receive a certificate of attendance for 30 hours which may be used as CEO's.
If you are interested in organizing a workshop in your area with us, please contact us as exgr@shaw.ca .