Client # 1: Cancer in the small intestine - harness
The client is in her fifties, and reports that she has experienced a pain in her abdominal area for a number of years. She isn't the type of person who trusts the medical system due to negative experiences.of family members in the past. The session suggests that cancer may be present in her small intestine. We follow the cancer therapies on our program (see "Working with Cancer" on Online Courses). A statement that "an emotional cause of the lesion is not alleviated". leads us to working with the Hammer Program and then releasing that conflict from her body through NLP. (see "Releasing Emotional Trauma" in online courses), When she determined the conflict that she stored in her body, since she was 17, tears began to flow.. The pain in her abdominal area subsided and has not returned. This happened fifteen years ago. Our sessions with her no longer focus on degeneration/cancer.
Client # 2 Liver cancer - harness
The client is in his eighties and comes in for a session because he is looking for a different answer than so many of his friends have chosen. He has been diagnosed with liver cancer and his doctors are insistent that he have surgery to remove the tumor. However, he claims he has watched too many of his friends die, after going through the same surgery. He isn't ready for that. We begin working on him in August using our basic protocol as well as the cancer therapy (demonstrated in ")Working with Cancer" on our Online courses). Every session the same message appears "An emotional cause of the lesion is not alleviated." and he has the same response to my questions. "I don't have any emotions." We are not solving his problem but the since tumor is not growing, he continues to return. In June we finally have a breakthrough. He admits that he thinks he knows what the emotional conflict is - something he did in his early twenties that he has not admitted to anyone. I tell him that I don't need to know what it is, but that he should find someone to talk about it with so that he can truly release it from his body. I suggest he share it with his wife, but he shudders and tells me "no way". It was something he could never tell her. He begins crying while we work on the emotional trauma on NLP and continues to weep throughout the rest of our session. The next week he is told the tumor is shrinking at his medical exam, much to the amazement of his doctors.There is no mention of degeneration or cancer during his next session. He tells me he feels like a new man..Sadly he died in an accident about a month later so we have no idea of what his long term prognosis may have been.
Client # 3 - Cervical Cancer - subspace
The client is in her early sixties and has been told by her doctor that there is a mass in her uterus as revealed by ultrasound during a routine medical check-up. He states this indicates that she has either a cyst or cancer tumor growing there. He suggests that he should remove it with surgery to determine exactly what it is, in order to plan what treatments should follow. He books her for surgery in 3 months. She books sessions with me to get a much as possible done before the surgery. We focus on the cancer therapies as well as genetics (Lesson 5 in "Finding and Clearing the.Cause of a Clients Concern" in Online Courses) She is given another ultrasound to determine the exact location of the mass the morning of her surgery. They cannot find any trace of it. The surgery is cancelled.
Client # 4 - skin cancer - subspace
The client is in her sixties. She has an abnormal growth on her face that is getting bigger all the time. She goes for medical treatment and has it removed. The doctor informs her that the tumor was malignant and he wants to book her for further treatment. This includes deeper surgery on the location of tumor to ensure that all of the cancer is removed followed by skin grafts to cover up the damage the surgery had done. He tells her that if this done right away the cancer will continue to spread under her skin and likely go to her brain.
The client refuses to take the advice of the doctor and rely on sessions on the scio instead. She was not surprised that the cancer was malignant as current sessions on the scio had indicated that the lesion was not decreasing due to an emotional conflict. She continued to receive weekly sessions until cancer therapy no longer appeared after running degeneration in timed therapies. No further growths have appeared anywhere on her face or body.