WHO: Gail and Clay Wylie - Scio biofeedback therapist since 2005
WHAT: A workshop aimed specifically at determining which steps one should take during a session based directly on what is coming up on the screen, or in other words, what the superconscious of our client is sharing with us. This workshop will also include an introduction to the Following the Lead of the SCIO manual which will be available for sale later this year.
WHERE: St. Albert Inn and Suites,
St. Albert Trail, St Albert, Alberta, Canada
HOW: Five full days of learning, working directly on our devices and sharing the results with each other which demonstrates how powerful, unique and individual each sessions becomes when you follow the lead of the scio. For more information on the results of our work click on the Clients tab on this website.
WHY: 2 reasons:
to provide an in-depth training on the SCIO/Eductor that isn't available anywhere else. Check out the testimonials of our former students throughout the website.
to introduce the Following the Lead of the SCIO manual in hopes of determining if it is useful, easy to follow and something that therapists working with our devices feel is needed.
Workshop Schedule 9 AM - 4 PM
Day 1: A basic protocol
Day 2: What to pay attention to on the screen as the session proceeds.
Day 3 Finding and clearing blockages
Day 4: : Working with the emotions
Day 5:Specific concerns as chosen by the students.
There will be an hour break for lunch each day.
All materials will be shared to flashdrives so that each student has a copy of everything presented as well as a copy of the manual as is..
Certificates of attendance will be presented at end of workshop.
Following the lead of the SCIO
May 16 - 20, 2019